
Law and Software

google glass plays Bach

[December, 2013] By Andy Bartlett. Filed under: glass

those nice people at Google sent me a new invite.
a shale glass. my visit to studio on the embarcadero timed to coincide with the new IOS7 myglass app.

to get used to glass, I signed up for google play music, uploaded the mp3s of the Open Goldberg Variations. and pretend to be a glass exploder as I whisper “ok glass, listen to goldberg variations”

looks like the open well tempered clavier project is also fully funded…. ok glass…

google glass refund. So sad, too bad

[December, 2013] By Andy Bartlett. Filed under: glass

My google glass experiment ended almost before it started.

i had received an invite. I chose a tangerine set and home delivery. It arrived next morning UPS next day air.

20 minutes into playing with glass, it was hot. The plastic side disagreeably warm, and the metal frame  even warmer. Ideal central heating for an arctic winter – but more like having a computer strapped to your head than a ‘wearable’ more…