Subtitle F—Prevention of Trafficking in Persons and Abuses Involving Workers Recruited Abroad
1506.5.. Sec. 3601. Definitions.
1507.9.. Sec. 3602. Disclosure.
[+ Blumenthal5]
1511.21 Sec. 3603. Prohibition on discrimination.
1512.22 Sec. 3604. Recruitment fees.
1513.3.. Sec. 3605. Registration.
[+ Blumenthal5]
1519.5.. Sec. 3606. Bonding requirement.
1519.18 Sec. 3607. Maintenance of lists.
1520.19 Sec. 3608. Amendment to the Immigration and Nationality Act.
1521.16 Sec. 3609. Responsibilities of Secretary of State.
[+ Blumenthal5]
1523.1.. Sec. 3610. Enforcement provisions.
[+ Blumenthal3]
1531.21 Sec. 3611. Detecting and preventing child trafficking [+Feinstein5]
1532.7.. Sec. 3612. Protecting child trafficking victims [+Hirono22]
1542.9.. Sec. 3613. Best interests of the child [+Hirono22]
1543.8.. Sec. 3614. Rule of construction.
1543.12 Sec. 3615. Regulations.